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Another thing that Mike wrote


by Mike Maher

So they’re not done with I-49, and I tell ya, it’ll be a pretty nice time once they got that sucker done. I was cruising down from Arkansas the other day, and bam! Suddenly I’m getting routed around the gosh darn countryside. Sure, lovely country, don’t got a bad thing to say about it, but I’ll tell ya I was trying to get back to Louisiana and I sure woulda loved a dang interstate. So ya putz around for a good hour, hour and a half until ya make it down to where the 49 starts up again and boy, I will tell you, open road, sunshine, heck I even had the window rolled down a bit. Smoked a cigarette, sure, that type of thing. So I get down to the end of the 49 where it meets the 10, so I took 10 east which takes ya to New Orleans, about 2 and a half, maybe 2 hours 45 minutes and I was back in town. Parked the car in front of the house, got inside, cracked an ice cold Busch and looked up who won the college basketball tournament.

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